Top 5 Bodyweight Workout Routines

Top 5 Bodyweight Workout Routines

FITPASS Editorial Team10 February, 2021Updated on : 14 Dec 2023

Some of the best workout routines require no equipment other than your bodyweight. No-equipment workout routines are something to look into if you do not own a selection of dumbbells, bar rods, benches, and other high-end workout machines usually found in the best gyms in Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, Pune, Hyderabad, and other major cities of India.

You would think that your options are limited since you do not have the expensive equipment for your at-home workouts. But that is not true since you can use your body weight to train every muscle in your body. Bodyweight workout routines for women and men are not limited to help achieve, let’s say, the benefits of cardio or strength training but both and more. Bodyweight workouts in circuit-style can help you build strength as well as challenge your cardiovascular system.

The list of bodyweight exercises is nearly endless. You can work on your upper body, lower body, core, legs, chest, or any other body part you can think of. You can obviously visit several gyms and fitness studios near you and attend different forms of workout every day with FITPASS.

5 Workout Routines Based on Body Weight

Lower Body + Cardio Burnout

Lower Body + Cardio Burnout

If you’re weary of the leg day, you better be terrified of this workout. But if you conquer this fear and perform the unique exercises in this workout routine, you will gain a “power you have never known”. This workout will test your endurance by indulging you in a cardio burnout after you are done with all the leg exercises. It gives you the option to make it easier or harder by increasing or decreasing the rest periods between exercises and their sets. It includes the following exercises – perform maximum reps and rest within 1 minute:

  1. Squat, duck walk, stand (forward to backward)
  2. Runner’s Lunge to Balance (on one leg)
  3. Mountain Climber
  4. Corkscrew
  5. Toe Touch Crunch

Cardio – Runner’s Lunge to Balance and end with 1 minute of jumping jacks or skipping rope

Full-body Cardio

Full-Body Cardio

Every once or twice (if you are so inclined) a week, you can do a home cardio workout that trains your entire body. This full-body cardio routine includes 5 exercises that work your legs, core, and shoulders. Once you complete a set of exercises that work your entire body. you will move on to an AMRAP (as many reps as possible) of a couple of the same exercises. Complete maximum reps of the following exercises including rest time within 1 minute:

  1. Frogger
  2. Side-plank Twist
  3. Squat Pulse
  4. Tuck-up
  5. Body Saw

AMRAP – Side Plank Twist and Squat Pulse for 1 minute each

Core Workout based on Plank Variations

Core Workout based on Plank Variations

You can work your arms as well as your core just by using your bodyweight. Doing several plank variations puts stress on your shoulders and triceps. This workout starts with skaters exercise to increase blood flow in the body and then moves on to three plank-based exercises.This workout challenges you to hold plank moves for a long time back-to-back. If the workout turns out to be too hard for you, remember to maintain form rather than longevity and you may drop to your knees to make it easier. Do the following exercises for 30 seconds each in this workout routine.

  1. Skaters
  2. Push-ups 
  3. Shoulder Tap 
  4. Forearm Plank Reach

Take a 45-60 second break.

  1. Skater
  2. Burpee
  3. Plank Jack
  4. Plank

Low Impact HIIT Workout Routine

Low Impact HIIT Workout Routine

HIIT workouts usually include a lot of plyometric moves i.e., jumping that can potentially hurt your joints. While it’s good for those who have no problems in their joints, it can be really bad for those who have weak(er) joints. This HIIT workout is easier on the joints as compared to others. However, it does include some high-impact exercises that you can skip if your therapist has advised you to do so. Do the following exercises with 10 seconds break between each for this HIIT workout routine:

  1. Side Kick-through—20 seconds
  2. Skater Hop—20 seconds
  3. Crab Toe Touch—20 seconds
  4. Frogger—20 seconds
  5. Curtsy Lunge—20 seconds

Bodyweight Butt Workout Routine

Bodyweight Butt Workout Routine

While there are several types of machines and equipment at the gyms to work your butt, you can get almost the same results by using all kinds of resistance bands at home. But for this workout, you do not even need those to work on your glutes. Exercises in this workout work all 3 gluteus muscles – minimus, medius, and maximus.

  1. Frog Bridges for 30 seconds
  2. Side Plank Clams for 30 seconds

Do 2-4 sets of these exercises and take a 30-second break. You may extend the break as per your need but do not let your body cool down.

  1. Bird Dog Crunches for 30 seconds
  2. Straight Leg Fire Hydrants for 30 seconds

Please note that all the exercises that include one limb or one set of limbs must be repeated on the other side/set equal times.

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